**The estimated cost of the trip will be $4.500-5,000 depending on the final cost of airfare** Using a very simple testing system created specifically for MOST Ministries, members of this team will distribute eyeglasses to those in need. During the daily clinics, team members will test vision, fit and distribute eyeglasses all while sharing the gospel through words and actions. Depending on the number of team members, 100-300 people can be served daily. A Team Leader will be assigned to prepare, train, and lead the team on this mission. Dr. Yohana Nzelu serves as Bishop for the South East of Lake Victoria Diocese (SELVD) of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania. This team will be serving in Shinyanga which is one of the six districts in this Diocese. By partnering with Bishop Nzelu. Assistant Bishop, Dr. Daniel Mono, and SELVD, this team will build up the reputation of SELVD and the local churches in Shinyanga - all while sharing the Gospel!
DestinationTripID Type ArrivalDate DepartureDate Dates Country City State/Province Destination

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