Members of this team will demonstrate the love of Christ by providing medical clinics for individuals living in or near the community being served who cannot afford care. Ailments that can be easily treated in the U.S. with our plethora of doctors and over-the-counter medications can be debilitating or even fatal for those in the developing world. A witness station, where the Gospel message is shared, is incorporated into all our clinics. A Team Leader will be assigned to prepare, train, and lead the team on this mission. Nury De Millan, Lead-a-Child Director of Latin American Projects, has been a host for MOST Ministries for 20+ years. Lead-a-Child partners with Lutheran pastors and teachers in 25 countries to provide Christian education. Today, over 240 project sites bring life changing opportunities to more than 25,000 children, with Guatemala overseeing 18 projects. Many of these children would not otherwise receive an education. By partnering with Nury, this team will build up the churches reputation in the community all while sharing the Gospel to everyone who comes to the clinic.
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